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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Top tips for businesses to support #NeverMoreNeeded

At a time when charities are Never More Needed, they are facing a significant funding gap.,Traditional funding streams such as events have been cancelled and lockdown has seen charity shops close,If your organisation is a funder, take a look at SCVO’s guide to best practise for funders during Coronavirus,Corporate volunteers can donate their time to help manage, shape and guide charities through the coronavirus,Can you identify emerging groups within the communities you operate and align your strategy with them

Writing a business plan

By taking the time to try and identify future risks (such as an increase in costs or a reduction of funds,It should cover objectives and strategies, and enable the organisation to deliver more effectively.,Useful resources - Writing a business plan Step by step guide to preparing a business plan,Forth sector development A business planning guide to developing a social enterprise.

Cost of living & the #RunningCostsCrisis

We’re here to help with our information on a range of topics, from getting and keeping funding, to business,are, but we’re also always working closely with government, funders and the sector, to influence and guide,Our position paper on the need for Fair Funding has led the Scottish Government to commit to fairer funding,Last year MSPs used our briefings to secure commitments to multi-year funding from the Cabinet Secretary,Property options in a post-pandemic world Charities & VAT Why trustees need to think differently about strategy

The First Minister promised action, not warm words, the Budget delivered neither.

, multi-year funding, is very much underway”.,plan in the Medium-term financial strategy.,vague commitment: “Our work on efficiency levers will include a review of grant models in operation, guided,No additional funding.,No progress on Fairer Funding.

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

We also produced our annual Third Force News Guide to Running a Charity or Social Enterprise, which focused,Funding Info on SCVO managed funds, external grants and our funding search engine Over the past 12 months,funding to the voluntary sector through our new Coronavirus Funding Hubpartnered in the development,from home during a crisiscompleted a Job Evaluation and Pay Review – a key deliverable in our People Strategy,Looking forward SCVO’s three-year strategic plan covering 2019-22 will continue to guide our overall


Pam's current courses: Get started with fundraising: building capacity to raise funds and Develop your,fundraising skills: thriving funds in difficult times Pamela Redpath Pamela became a trainer 20+ years,Philippa's current courses: Guide to good governance: running effective board meetings, Guide to good,governance: defining strategy, culture and values and Guide to good governance: board and staff relationships,previously led research into the role of Safeguarding Leads in the voluntary sector and co-authored guides

Digital training for RS Macdonald supported organisations

SCVO’s digital team are offering a free training programme, funded by the RS Macdonald Charitable Trust,It give you strategies to help you and your team agree on common approaches to processes and tools, along,support you to:- understand principles of good team communication- create your own team communications guide,This programme has been funded by The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust

Planning for EU Exit (Brexit)

The campaign includes regularly updated guides for employers and EU citizens, factsheets, posters and,related to Brexit) liaising with the UK and Scottish Government regarding the proposed ‘Shared Prosperity Fund,’ which is intended to replace some existing European Funds.,The Scottish Government is currently carrying out its own consultation on proposals for replacement funding

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

2022/23 also saw the launch of exclusive one-to-one information sessions for SCVO members, a brand new guide,service, our HR advisors provide one to one HR support and access to a treasure trove of resources and guides,Where SCVO represented the sector Secured sector representation on the Delivery Board for the National Strategy,developed a number of ongoing partnerships with voluntary sector organisations and published its annual Guide,This year's guide focused on the cost-of-living crisis and the associated running costs crisis being

How to write your constitution

Our information on what your charity will do will guide you through what you need to do.,about what kind of changes need consent from OSCR, the timescales involved and how to do this in their guide,Your constitution must include a dissolution clause which outlines what happens to any remaining funds,For more information, see the OSCR guide: Wind up or dissolve the charity Support available to help you