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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Is it brave to do what's right?

When do you know it’s time to call it a day? For the past decade the National Coalition for Independent Action (NCIA) has been sounding the alarm in England: that voluntary groups are failing in their democratic job as an independent force for positive change, and must fight back. Early on we visited people in Scotland and concluded that independence is built into the brickwork, from which we in England could learn. But some of the lessons we’ve learnt along the way may be meaningful in Scotland. Now, after 10 years, we have decided to close. When we started, our message was seen as scaremongering, eccentric and wrong. Now the consequences are only too visible – charities are under contract to state and private sector bodies and muzzled from speaking out for fear of losing their funding, a ‘seat at the table’ or being in breach of the Lobbying Act. We don’t need to make the case any longer. Nobody can say they have not been warned.
the future lies in grassroots activism, with voluntary groups able to speak out their politics
We have tried to persuade mainstream voluntary services to defend their autonomy and speak out, with others, in pursuit of social justice and against the erosion of our rights and dismantling of our public services and civic spaces. Most have not responded to this call; indeed many charities have simply turned themselves into lookalike businesses. As a result, public trust has fallen and reputations have been damaged. Charities now compete aggressively for a share of privatised public services, and form partnerships with profit-hungry global corporations on the back of zero-hours contracts. Much of the sector has acquiesced to government pressure to shut down the campaigning work that opposes damaging policies. NCIA has provided the evidence and an analysis for action but we know that we can’t rescue voluntary groups from the hostile world they now inhabit. Only they can do it, if they choose. Our purpose is not to keep our organisation going for the sake of it, but to have a purpose out in the world, and to stop when we have done our job or can no longer carry out that purpose. Closing is the right thing to do. I’m proud of our decision. I’ve been told that it is brave. I think it’s a no-brainer, and there are now more useful things to do. I’m depressed about the state of the English voluntary sector, but not about our closure. Those of us who have been active in NCIA will continue our activism elsewhere. I believe the future lies in grassroots activism, with voluntary groups able to speak out their politics. I can see already honourable exceptions to the general rule of timidity, with new alliances - including cross border connections - among voluntary and community groups, activists, unions and academics. For example, the Keep Volunteering Voluntary campaign combines forces from across civil society to stop the forced labour and destitution of the workfare and benefit sanctions regime. So although NCIA will disappear, others will continue to speak plainly on social justice, equality, and diversity. An open letter on NCIA’s closure, signed by more than 65 groups – including SCVO - shows the breadth of those voices which will not be silenced, and the potential for future alliances. We hope that this will encourage the faint-hearted that it is possible to speak up for better ways of doing things. I know that much of our work will continue. We leave our website as a resource for those wanting to access the stories, evidence and connections we have gathered. For those wanting to be part of the “next generation for independent action”, the NCIA Facebook continues, as does our discussion space on the National Community Activist Network. Penny Waterhouse is co-director at the National Coalition for Independent Action
Last modified on 23 January 2020