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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Information for new trustees

your organisation’s purpose It’s vital as a trustee that you know about what your organisation was set,up to do, how it’s trying to achieve its aims and who it’s trying to help.,Make sure you’re in control Ask for copies of any key policies on areas such as risk, safeguarding and,There may also be other regulators that you need to report to, and you should ensure you’re up to date

Guide to organisational change

people will be at risk of redundancy.The redundancy process also includes selecting staff, communicating,staff to plan for the future, post redundancy.It’s important to note that your plan should not be final,You must back up your scores with written evidence.You can give different scores for each part of the,those at risk.,minimum of one digital group session where the participant will receive advice and information in a group setting

Essential digital skills

and media links I can log in remotely to my email and other work-related communication tools I can post,Here are some questions you may wish to answer when considering online safety: Which offline risk factors,What support does this individual need to achieve the greatest benefits to them of being online, whilst,reducing risk?,; Offering additional technical safeguard support, e.g. help setting up certain parental controls; Devoting

The five challenges

2018, BT, who are under statutory obligation to provide a social tariff, have improved their offer, upping,Actions 6-11 Housing associations and residential accommodation should consider ways they can provide,There should also be an exploration of how connectivity can become considered as an ‘essential utility,’, with protection for vulnerable customers, reducing risks related to upselling and minimising credit,Charities should consider accessing the Good Things Foundation’s National Data Bank, for free short-term

Building fabric

maintenance and servicing can help: Increase the lifetime of your building reduce running costs mitigate risks

Commission calls for changes to make Scotland more resilient

The RSE’s Post Covid-19 Futures Commission is making several recommendations for decision-makers

Empty homes project praised

YMCA Glenrothes has been recognised for its work in revamping empty housing for use by those at risk of homelessness

Is a poverty of ambition holding our sector back?

Nathan Sparling sets a challenge to Scotland's voluntary sector to cast aside fear and be ambitious about recovery #NeverMoreNeeded

Campaign launched to oppose privatisation of care homes

Unios come together as four care homes are set to be privatised by the council

Plan aims to tackle social care recruitment crisis

Small community teams and a national campaign to promote social care as a career are among the initiatives